VR Kanojo Guide – Gameplay, FAQ & Unlocking

Ever since virtual reality made the leap from fantasy to reality, one quirky question bubbled up: “Is scoring a virtual girlfriend possible?”

Some voiced this out loud, others silently hoped. The answer to everyone though, is “YES!” Virtual reality can and is getting you your very own girlfriend. Look no further than VR Kanojo, the hit title game by developer Illusion!

In this article I will be happily telling you everything you need to know about VR Kanojo. What happens in it? Is it the game for you? What’s the next best thing? Read on to have all the answers!

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VR Kanojo Gameplay Walkthrough

VR Kanojo takes place in a modern-day setting. You, the player, get to hang out with your sweet and welcoming neighbor, Sakura Yuuhi. What’s more is that you make this character appear any way you choose. That’s right! You get to decide what she wears and how she looks!

The majority of the game takes place in a bedroom (and let’s be honest, why would you want to be anywhere else?). It is in this very room that you are invited to interact with your virtual girlfriend in different ways. Get a glimpse of what to expect from the gameplay below.

The idea of the game is to build a mutually satisfying relationship with Sakura. This is going to be pretty hard to screw up, even for those of you out there who are shy, awkward, or just downright unlucky. Sakura is into you from the get-go. All you need to do is push the right buttons (if you know what I mean)!

Your objective in the story is to build a successful relationship with Sakura in the time that you two lovebirds have.

Is VR Kanojo The Right Game For You?

Illusion is known for their adult-centered gaming creations, so if that’s what you’re looking for – you’re in pretty good virtual hands (pun intended).

VR Kanojo has been designed for sexual gratification. This much is pretty obvious from the overall design and plot of the game. But everybody’s got their own kinks, right? The game hits all the right spots for some, and may be missing the mark if you’re into something else.

For starters, understand that you are, in fact, in a VR environment. The controllers you are using act as your hands in the virtual world. And what are these hands good for? You guessed it! Touching things. The majority of the game is all about touching your girlfriend to please her, so get that imagination going!

VR Kanojo does an excellent job of bridging the gap between VR and having an actual girlfriend. The game promises to have you “practically feel her breath on your cheek and the warmth of her fingers on your arm as you laugh and talk the day away.” A claim by the developers, approved by the community.

Will Sakura work for you though? First of all, she’s Asian. Japanese, to be more precise. Second, she starts off with a rather skittish personality. She’s young, shy, jumpy, and desperately in need of a player like you to help her throughout her day – by getting rid of a cockroach, or taking a bath. Her needs vary like that.

She speaks fluent Japanese, an accent you would be well acquainted with if you’re into anime.

VR Kanojo English Settings

The game does give you the option of having English subtitles. You can enable these by going to the language settings in the game and selecting “English.”

If the subtitles still don’t show for you, then simply perform the following steps:

  • Start the game
  • Click on “Config” from the main menu
  • Click on the “Text” tab, located on the left side of your screen
  • Click on “Text Display” to switch it to “On.”

Note: The “A” slider is for transparency of subtitles, and should be kept at its highest.

“Japanese” Censorship

Perhaps the weirdest part of the game comes from the impact of Japanese censorship: your Sakura comes with slightly pixelated and “blobby” genitalia. Personally, it’s real enough for me. So that’s pretty much what you’re getting yourself into.

As far as the in-game actions are concerned, there’s an abundance to choose from. Not everything even needs to be sexual. For example, you have the option to “Study.” Yep. You can call it that, or “An Excuse To Ogle My Girlfriend.” Whichever works for you.

Not getting sexual would mean that you’re not really exploring the unique VR experience on offer. If my words aren’t enough to help you finalize an opinion on this game, then take a look at some of the gameplay at Youtube.

Sexual activities in the game range from kissing, to handjobs, to blowjobs, and various positions to perform intercourse.

Do you get these scenes straight up? Well, not really. Apparently the developers didn’t want to make it too easy, and decided that you have to work for it. Fortunately, the “work” to unlock more scenes is just fooling around more in the game. Here’s what I mean.

Unlocking Extra Content

The game rewards you for completing its story mode by handing you a bunch of new content for your next play-through (which you are more likely than not, to be doing). The most explicit of which, is the “Ecchi” menu. Here is where you’ll be going to jump right into the sexy stuff!

In order to access the “Sexy Lessons” playability of the game, you may need to install the adult content patch. You can download it here.

In order to progress through the sex scenes, start by beating the story. Then go to the “Sexy Lesson” option from the menu. Opt for the “Kissing” move here. Kiss Sakura a few times. After this, you’ll want to open the menu and click on the option saying “the big Exit Sign on the right.”

Each scene upto the “doggystyle” one is pretty straightforward (and enjoyable). Unlocking the final two scenes is where most people get stuck. Here’s how to unlock the final scenes.

You’ll need to complete the “doggystyle” scene twice. To move on from the second “doggystyle” scene, make Sakura as dirty as possible, so that she moves to the bathroom to get cleaned up. When you exit the scene, the bathroom scene should begin.

The most important thing for you now is to keep calm. Sakura may be showing her displeasure at whatever it is you’re doing (or not doing) to her. Keep calm and carry on! You got this!

After a few transitions in the bathroom scene, you’ll end up back where you started – with Sakura having bubbles in her hair. At this point you’ll want to look for the exit sign on the bathtub. Rather than taking you back to the main menu, using this sign will take you to the next scene. Now you’re in the bathtub with her!

If it didn’t work out for you like this, try again. Be sure to keep fooling around with her until the three transitions take place!

Once you’re in the bathtub, Sakura will ask you for a massage. Similar to the previous bathing scene, there will be three transitions. After the third one, you’re back to where you started. Once you’re ready to leave, simply look for the exit sign yet again.

Having arrived at the main menu, you’ll be glad to know that the final two lessons are unlocked and waiting to be played!

Replay Value: Intimacy

Not everybody is looking for sex all the time. As funny as that may sound to some, it’s true. VR Kanojo offers more than just the sexual aspect of a relationship. Through the lens of VR, it is able to offer you intimacy.

The intimacy-factor adds a new dimension to play this game from. Suppose that you get bored of repeating the same scenes over and over again. What are you left with? VR Kanojo leaves you with a feeling. Spending time with somebody constructed to love you is all some people are looking for, even if the person exists in a virtual world.

Imagination is a significant aspect of VR; the ability to let yourself believe what the headset is showing you. If you give yourself to the immersive thought of having somebody to lie next to in bed, or hold in your arms, or cuddle with at night, then VR Kanojo offers you an experience beyond sex.

Still wondering about something else? Let’s take a look at some FAQ’s.

Frequently Asked Questions About VR Kanojo

Can VR Kanojo be played without VR?

Yes. Yes it can be. Although not ideally. You have a few options to make this happen.

  • Using a smartphone as a VR headset! One way to do this is to use VRidge to make your PC detect your phone as the VR device. Simply install the software and let it do its thing! The instructions are simple enough. Other software includes RiftCat, and iVRy.
  • Mod the game. Installing a simple patch to make the game playable using a mouse and keyboard has worked for many gamers. You can download the mod here. Simply install it in the relevant folder when done.

Can You Play VR Kanojo on Oculus Quest?

You can play the game on your Oculus Quest using ALVR, a client used to stream SteamVR games to your Oculus headset. Learn more about it here.

Are there any other games like VR Kanojo?

You won’t find anything quite like Sakura, but the general concept of VR Kanojo can be found in the following titles:

  • Negligee
  • House Party
  • Virtual Reality Girls
  • Elven Love
  • Sakura Angels

That concludes our talk about VR Kanojo. May you have found what you were looking for!

* Meta Quest 2 (My “daily driver” headset, which I absolutely love & recommend)
* Lenovo Legion 5 Pro (AMD Ryzen 5 5600H, Nvidia Geforce RTX 3060, 16GB RAM)
* TP-Link Archer C6 (budget dedicated router for Air Link, see my full setup tutorial)

* VR Cover Foam Replacement (one of the easiest & cheapest ways to improve headset comfort)
* BoboVR M2 Head Strap (reduce pressure on your head and improve the overall fit of the headset)

Martin Rakver

I am a software engineer and tech enthusiast. During my free time, I like to immerse myself in the world of virtual and augmented reality, which I believe will be more and more prominent in the years to come.

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